FBO Notice Date 11/06/19
BIDS Reference Number 360
Document Type: Modification
Research & Development

Department of the Air Force, Air Force Space Command, SMC - Space and Missile Systems Center, 90245-2808

A -- Tools, Applications, and Processing (TAP) Laboratory and Overhead Persistent Infrared (OPIR) Battlespace Awareness Center (OBAC) Support Services (TLOSS) SOL FA8810-19-R-0002PRESOL DUE 112219 POC Brent Jorgensen, Contracting Officer, Phone 310-653-3295, Email brent.jorgensen.1@us.af.milAmendment 1: The posting is updated with responses to industry questions, whichresulted in administrative corrections and clarifications as documented in the attached list of questions. It also corrects FAR 52.244-02 Subcontracts to the required SMC Deviation version. The model contract, Attachment 5 and Section L were changed as noted and the amended versions here supersede those originally posted. Offerors shall propose in accordance with entire RFP, including the amended documents, and acknowledge the amendment in their proposal's contract volume. The proposal due date remained unchanged.

CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/spg/USAF/AFSC/SMCSMSC/FA8810-19-R-0002/listing.html

SET-ASIDE: Total Small Business