FBO Notice Date 11/06/19
BIDS Reference Number 425
Document Type: Modification
Lease Or Rental Of Facilities

General Services Administration, Public Buildings Service (PBS), R4 Leasing Division (47PE99), 30303-3427

X -- Lease of Office Space within Region 4, RLP 8NC2175 19-REG04-OFFICE SOL 19REG048NC2175SRCSGT DUE 010719 POC Desi D. Clinton, Contracting Officer, Phone (404)562-0640, Email desi.clinton@gsa.gov - Wanda P Hardiman, Contracting Officer, Phone (404) 562-2774, Fax (404) 562-2747, Email wanda.hardiman@gsa.gov

Project will be posted under AAAP FY20 RLP

CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/spg/GSA/PBS/4PE/19REG048NC2175/listing.html