FBO Notice Date 08/07/18
BIDS Reference Number 710
Document Type: Special Notice
Special Studies And Analysis - Not R&D

Department of the Army, Army Contracting Command, MICC, MICC - Fort Gordon, 30905-5719

B -- CYBERQUEST 2019 SOL CYBERQUEST2019 DUE 083118 POC Tara L. McAdoo, Contract Specialist, Phone 7067911831, Email tara.l.mcadoo.civ@mail.mil1. Background. Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) Executive Order (EXORD) 057-14 (U) established the U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence (CCoE) and designated the CCoE Commanding General (CG) as the Force Modernization Proponentfor Cyberspace Operations, Signal Communications Networks and Information Services (Signal), and Electronic Warfare (EW); and established the Signal and Cyber Schools. The EXORD further directed the CCoE to partner with the Intelligence Center of Excellence (ICoE) for institutional intelligence support to Cyberspace Operations. To that end, the CG directed the establishment of an annual Prototyping Experiment to identify innovative solutions that can close critical capability gaps relating to Army Warfighting Challenge # 7: Conduct Space and Cyber Electromagnetic Operations and Maintain Communications - How to assure uninterrupted access to critical communications and information links (satellite communications [SATCOM], positioning, navigation, and timing [PNT], and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance [ISR]) across a multi-domain architecture when operating in a contested, congested, and competitive operating environment?

2. Intent. The CCoE will conduct an annual Cyberspace Operations, Signal, and EW Prototyping Experiment called Cyber Quest (CQ) to assess emerging technologies against associated Army capability requirements. This assessment will inform current capability development efforts by validating concepts and determining their doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, and facilities (DOTMLPF) impacts. Cyber Quest will also serve as a venue to inform rapid acquisition capability requirements and technical risk mitigation. Army acquisition and capability development proponents can leverage Cyber Quest outcomes to validate selected candidate solutions for future participation in other Army/Joint exercises and experiments (i.e. Cyber Blitz, Army Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC) Live Prototype Assessments (ALPA), Army/Joint Warfighting Assessments (AWA/JWA), the Joint Users Interoperability Communications Exercise (JUICE), etc.).

3. Cyber Quest 2019 (CQ 19). The CCoE seeks government, industry, and academic organizations that would be interested in demonstrating Cyberspace Operations, Signal, and/or EW solutions during Cyber Quest 2019, in order to address experiment objectives and focus areas listed below. Each focus area is aligned with the TRADOC Capability Manager (TCM) who is responsible for developing capability requirements that ultimately yield materiel solutions to the Warfighter.


CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/notices/747b9db429020931a35e4cbd37c2a690