FBO Notice Date 11/06/19
BIDS Reference Number 725
Document Type: Special Notice
Transportation, Travel, & Relocation Services

Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Logistics Branch, 20472

V -- Tender of Service SOL 70FB7020TTender DUE 112719 POC LaShawn Smith, Contractor Officer, Phone 202-646-4306, Email LaShawn.Smith@fema.dhs.gov - Isaac Chapple , Phone 202.646.3924, Email Isaac.Chapple@fema.dhs.govPurpose of this event:

To provide an opportunity for industry to learn about FEMA's Tender of Service Transportation Program; and to provide an opportunity for FEMA to gain industry feedback about the upcoming Tender of
Service Transportation Program.

CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/spg/DHS/FEMA/OAM/70FB7020TTender/listing.html